

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Its cold out!

Joe and I made a bonfire last night - and apple dumplings...again. I will make them for you all when you come home because they are the bomb!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gift Tip...

Giant Donut Cake Pan Set

Uncle Joey - this will come in handy for your future wife. (Click on the picture to follow the link to purchase)

Pumpkin Carving...

It has been a tradition 2 years now to carve pumpkins like the "pros do." Joe and Jon carved these pumpkins last night, while I cooked dinner and made apple dumplings. Joe had about three cups of coffee. Between that and all the sugar in the apple dumplings - he was focused on creating his masterpiece. Enjoy!
Life Lesson: Your never to old to carve a pumpkin!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Warsaw - Best place to raise family???

Forbes Magazine announced "The Best Small Cities to Raise a Family" Warsaw, IN - ranked #11.

(Thanks to Kady for supplying this data!)

Life Lesson: Who would have thunk it?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Out with the old.....

In with the new.....

Good Luck on your first day of work Uncle Doey!!!

Go Get em!

Life Lesson: No risk = no reward.

What should Hank be for Halloween?

A Pimp?

A Cowboy?

A Party Animal?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Breast Cancer Month

ML Motorsports, a local race car company in Warsaw decorated their race car "pink" this month in honor of all women who have fought the hard fight of breast cancer. The bold names are women who have lost their lives to breast cancer. October is Breast cancer awareness month so be fight for the cure.

Life Lesson: Fight for the cure.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning...

Last night Hank was mad at Joe and I for leaving him most of the weekend. He got venegance by keeping Joe up most of the night by playing, trouting around the house, and begging to be let out. We finally got Hank to go to bed, and we woke up to find that he hid Joe's wallet.
Hanks life lesson: Don't get mad, get even

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Recap from the Weekend

Going to IU for the weekend brought back many memories..... and it made me want to be "forever young." No matter how old you are, you need to try to enjoy life. Everyone goes through stages of life at different times and I thought this video was appropriate for the daily life lesson. Listen to the words, they apply to all of us.

Life Lesson:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Funny Friday

Are you aware of Antoine Dodson?
Courtesy of the lovely Kara Yeater.

The man even has a a wikipedia of him:

Life Lesson: Always rely on your friends to make you laugh...
A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.